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Men's Group: "Courage, Challenge, Connection, Change..." 

In Person- Penticton, BC

Ongoing Intakes Starting Fall, 2024.


This group offers a mix of challenge, support, and heart based, experiential learning.


It will be guided by 5 principles to support inner growth:


  • Courage: You want to live a path with heart and discover what it means to live as                                                                            ‘more of you, not less.’

  • Challenge: You can identify a block or a challenge in your life.                                                                                                            You’re willing to meet that challenge, and to be met in it with others.

  • Connection: You’re curious to learn more about connection, to yourself, in your                                                                                      relationships, and to the wider world.

  • Choice: You’re ready to develop awareness tools and get in touch with your agency.

  • Change: You want something different, you’re ready to commit to a practice of change.


In this group you will have the opportunity to:


  • Deepen your insight about yourself and your life

  • Develop more empathy and awareness 

  • Uncover your inner wisdom and learn to listen to your ‘inner teacher’

  • Explore emotion through embodiment

  • Deepen authenticity and authentic expression

  • Encounter healthy masculinity


This group runs for 10 session blocks at a time with new intakes opening after each round. 

Cost is $65/session.

Ages 21 and up.


Contact for more details and future dates. 



​​​​Back to Center, A Restorative Retreat in Nature, July 28-30, 2023

Dharma Centre Of Canada, Kinmount, Ontario


A Restorative Retreat in Nature with Avi Zer-Aviv & Peter Kok 

$350-$550 (sliding scale)


  • 3 healthy, wholesome meals a day

  • Private (not shared) accommodation

  • Nature-based movement & meditation

  • Space for group & solo reflection

  • Hiking (400 acres of forest)


Transportation options available.



For more details/to register, contact Avi Zer-Aviv ( or

Peter Kok ( by email, or Limited spots available, first-come first serve.




Men's Support Group, April 15-May 31, 2023 (Fall dates TBA)

Desert Sun Counselling and Resource Center, Oliver BC


A weekly support group for men seeking a relational environment to learn new

skills, discover inner resources and relate to other men in an open, honest and




This module runs for an 8 week segment and a commitment to all sessions is


We'll take a break for the summer and begin again in fall 2023.


Contact for more details. 











Spring Men's Gathering- March 5 @ the Chapel Space/Naramata Center


In this one day men's retreat at the Chapel space at the Naramata Center we will

explore as a group, themes around healthy masculinity, connection, trust building

and embodied emotional work.


There will be time for group, dyad and individual reflection and experience. 

Come connect with a group of like-minded men in a contained, sacred and relational



Cost: $80


Location: Chapel Space~ Naramata Center, 460 Ellis Street, Naramata, BC

Contact Peter to register and for more info.











Home on the Edge, Men's Group Work, Penticton BC


Who is Men's Group work for? 

Men who are ready to live closer to their authentic, creative and emotional edges who also wish to deepen the authenticity of their relationships to themselves and to those around them. This group is open to men who want to explore their vulnerability without compromising their integrity, power and autonomy. This group is open to those who identify as male and are above the age of 21.  


What sort of things will we be doing/exploring?

Participants will work in a facilitated group setting of 4-6 people. We will explore a wide range of topics in an emotion focused framework. Topics we may explore together include vulnerability, grief, sexuality, anxiety, passion, anger, the inner critic, creativity and more. Participants can expect to work, discuss and grow in a healthy and supportive environment. The work will include discussion, exercises and counselling intervention. 


Why group work?

Working in a group context is a special opportunity to share and be seen by fellow men in a connective, grounded way. In group work, you have the opportunity to soften the walls that separate us in our day to day lives, opening the space for sharing and learning simultaneously. In a group we begin to see ourselves reflected, the deeper we go the deeper we can all go together. We will connect to what is most real together, whether in our emotions, our pain or our potential. 


Please contact Peter Kok for more questions or inquiries about upcoming groups.  A brief interview is required prior to sign up. 

647 335 0737  




Movement Labs and Classes, Penticton BC (Ongoing) 

Movement and classes offered ongoing in Penticton, BC drawing from various movement forms including contact improvisation, Butoh dance, authentic movement and other improvisational forms. 

Contact Peter for more details and future events or go to "Contact Improvisation and Movement Penticton"

Migration Parade, March-May 2022, Penticton BC​

Penticton Art Gallery, March 2022

Island Mountain Arts Gallery, 2019


Born in the fall of 2018, “Migration Parade” is an evolving, collaborative body of work and multimedia gallery installation by electroacoustic sound artist, Danielle Savage, and sculptural textile artist, Alexandra Goodall. 

This work is an act of earnest research into the phenomena of hive-mind, relational space, and collective intelligence, from the micro to the macro, starting with ourselves. Through multiple research streams and creation methods, we are using the artistic disciplines of sculptural textile and electroacoustic composition to explore the movements of personal and collective bodies. We have drawn on the field of phenomenology, philosophically and through application, and rely on direct engagement with materials (cloth/fibre and raw sonic experimentation) to guide much of our studio practice. Simultaneously, we continue to follow and nurture the conceptual dimensions of our work, tracking how this evolves and how it provides further context.


COLLABORATIONS:  “Migration Parade: Helical Song” by choreographer

Charlie Prince, will be performed from March 27th - April 3rd, 2022, at the

Penticton Art Gallery in the “Migration Parade: Holon” Exhibition by dancers

Peter Kok, Maiya Robbie, Nikos Theodosakis, Gita Harris, Jessica Glavina and

Julie Fowler


Cinematographer and Director, Kristen Brown, will be creating an artist portrait

film that follows the process, development and performance of

“Migration Parade: Helical Song”.


Performance Artist and vocalist, Mia Harris, will be performing from

April 23rd to 30th, 2022, at the Penticton Art Gallery in the

“Migration Parade: Holon” Exhibition.










​​​​​we | obstacle | space, March14 2020, Penticton BC


A one-day movement oriented workshop co-facilitated by myself and Alexandra Goodall. Alexandra is a multidisciplinary artist and facilitator. In her studio practice, her focus is on sculptural textile and installation. In her workshops and individual sessions she aims to bridge the disciplines of art, psychology and bodily presence. She holds a masters degree in Intermodal Expressive Arts Therapy. 


In this workshop, we will explore the relationship between individual and group creativity. Through a combination of exercises, reflections and movement practices we will examine how to foster and build attunement in a group process while remaining engaged through our own acts of creative contribution. We will draw from a number of movement and contemplative arts practices including improvisational movement, somatics, the visual arts, contact improvisation, and Butoh movement.


Questions we will be exploring: 

What is the relationship between creativity and group attunement?

What happens to ourselves creatively when obstacles arise

either individually or in the group?

How does creativity expand and contract in different contexts?

How do we remain individual while building attunement in a group

creative process?


This workshop is for beginners and experienced movers alike.


March 14th, 2020

10 am - 4 pm with a 1 hour lunch break


Location: the Studio at God’s Mountain Estate






Foundations Contact Improv Class, April 5 2020, Toronto ON​​​​​

Join movement facilitator, Peter Kok for an Introduction to Contact Improvisation class at the Sunday Contact Improv Jam. 


In this class we will explore Contact Improvisation fundamentals including:


  • Basic Improvisational Skills

  • Beginning and ending a dance

  • Some light weight sharing

  • Consent in Contact Improvisation

Classes are for adults and all-levels of experience. No partner is necessary. As Contact Improvisation involves a rolling point of contact and sliding, clothing that has zippers, buttons as well as jewelry is not suggested. Sleeveless shirts, shorts, skirts and slippery clothing are also not recommended. Only non-glass water bottles are allowed in the studio as we dance barefoot. Please avoid wearing perfumes or scented body care products in consideration for people with chemical sensitivities.

Location: 3rd floor, 805 Dovercourt Rd., Toronto

Cost: $11 drop-in, includes the Sunday Contact Jam following from 12-1:30pm


Doors open at 10:30 AM. Please arrive at least a few minutes early to warm up and be ready to start at 11:00 AM.

Experiments in Movement and Play, Spring 2019, Toronto ON


"Where I am is what I need."

- Deborah Hay, my body, the buddhist


A movement-based inquiry into being and becoming.

These sessions invite the curious and inquisitive mover, encouraging

relational and spatial awareness, building proprioceptive skills and expanding

creative possibility.


Sessions will include moving meditations, group exercises and

most importantly...lots of room for play and silliness.


Open to all levels, beginners and curious movers especially.


Third floor of the Dovercourt House, 805 Dovercourt.

Please bring loose fitted clothing for ease of movement.

Please no scents or perfumes.

Contact to pre-register

$20/session, Drop ins welcome. 


Contemplating Space, December 15/2019, Toronto ON


​​​​​​​​​​​​Facilitated by Peter Kok, this class will bridge contemplative attention and contact improv basics. The workshop will explore using the potential of the empty spaces between ourselves and our partner/s. Using solo, partnering and group exercises we will be exploring spiraling, connection/separation and pausing. What potential for creativity can we uncover in the emptiness?

Classes are for adults and all-levels of experience. No partner is necessary.

Contact Improvisation involves a rolling point of contact and sliding, clothing

that has zippers, buttons as well as jewelry is not appropriate.

Sleeveless shirts, shorts, skirts and slippery clothing is not recommended.

Only non-glass water bottles are allowed in the studio as we dance barefoot.

Please avoid wearing perfumes or scented body care products in consideration

for people with chemical sensitivities.

Location: 3rd floor, 805 Dovercourt Rd., Toronto

Cost: $11 includes the Sunday Contact Jam following from 12-1:30pm.

Date: Sunday, December 15, 2019

Time: 11:00 AM - NOON. Doors open at 10:30 AM.

Please arrive at least a few minutes early to warm up and be ready to

start at 11:00 AM.



Deer Path Counselling Services

Peter Kok, Registered Therapeutic Counsellor

ACCT #3320

Counselling Therapist

ACTA #2726

Okanagan Falls/Penticton, BC






© 2023 Deer Path Counselling

Web Design Alexandra Goodall

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